[Python Wpg] OO Python presentation proposal

Mike Pfaiffer mpfaiffer at callapple.org
Tue May 2 15:48:10 EDT 2006

On May 1, 2006 04:17 pm, syd at plug.ca wrote this amazing epistle:
> I have sketched out a rough outline of what I think might work for next
> month's meeting. I welcome feedback on the design as well as on the
> general approach to the topic.
> I thought that since we had talked during the April meeting about
> refactoring Starlanes-1.1 in a more object oriented way, that could form
> the basis of the OO Python presentation. We'll take something we know
> already (sort of) and  think about it in terms of objects.
> I will need the help of others in validating my design and implementation,
> so I'm going to sketch it here quickly and see what others think of the
> general direction. As is usual during refactoring, I will try not to
> introduce any new features -- only replicate perfectly behaviour of the
> old version. The only exception to this is that I want to try to make the
> game work as a server.

 I'll get back to you later this week or early next with some ideas. We could 
skip directly to version 2.0 of the game since it will be a major reworking 
of the original concept. I can make space on the web page for it when it's 
ready to go public. I'd also like to submit it to the magazine as an article.

 If you like, we could work on a couple more (older) games. If we can allow 
the option of graphics or text on all of them we might be able to qualify for 
those edutainment grants Michael and Stuart were talking about. Many of the 
older games are single player only, but the concepts would allow multiplayer 
versions. I can come up with the designs and concepts, but until I'm more 
familiar with the OOP style it's going to be an education for me.

 BTW, If you and Stuart can come up with a formal announcement for the next 
presentation by 5:00pm (today - Tuesday), I can print it and bring it to the 
MWCS tonight.


|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
|   http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.)      |
Version: 3.12
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