[Python Wpg] Python advocacy in Winnipeg

Stuart Williams stuartw at mts.net
Mon Apr 17 15:57:04 EDT 2006

I have made some informal offers to local businesses in IT to give a
presentation on Python to their IT staff.  There's also a possibility
that I'll teach a Python class in Winnipeg in the next while.

I added the following to the wiki:
  Do you want to find out more about Python from a demo, a tutorial,
  or a class? Do you have other questions about this group? Contact
  Stuart Williams

This raises a few questions.

Does anyone object to my publicly naming myself one of official
contacts for this group?

Are there others who would be interested in giving presentations to
groups outside our group?

My contact information on the wiki could generate contract work for
me.  Are there others who would like to be listed?  Should we add a
section to the wiki page listing Winnipeg area Python contractors and


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