[Wheel-builders] PEP 571 - manylinux2

Mark Williams mrw at twistedmatrix.com
Thu Feb 8 03:01:48 EST 2018

Hello, wheel builders!

I had a chat with Geoffrey Thomas about the particulars of symbol
versioning and he reminded me that you all would be interested in a
successor to manylinux1.

Here's the PEP so far:


And the associated distutils-sig thread:


(note I sent the first email twice from two different addresses :( The
text of the PEP is the same, so you only have to read one!)

And here are the PRs:


I put initial Docker images up here if you'd like to repair a wheel or


Highlights from the distutils-sig thread and pypa/manylinux PR so far:

- Should `manylinux` use CalVer (http://calver.org) ?

- Can the next `manylinux` use newer compilers than `manylinux1`
  without implying backwards incompatibilities?  (The answer is yes -
  explanation forthcoming, thanks to Geoffrey for the help!)

- Should the next `manylinux` drop support for i686?

Please feel free to join the discussion on distutils-sig or comment on
the various PRs.  I look forward to collaborating with everybody!

  Mark Williams
  mrw at twistedmatrix.com

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