[Wheel-builders] Making it easy for every package publisher to create multi-os wheels

Philippe Ombredanne pombredanne at nexb.com
Fri Aug 12 11:06:51 EDT 2016

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Michael Sarahan <msarahan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I did not mean to start a conda vs. wheel discussion, but I feel the need to
> correct you on conda: it is absolutely end-to-end FLOSS (BSD, 3-clause)
> https://github.com/conda/conda/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
> https://github.com/conda/conda-build/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
> Repositories can be created by simply creating an index (`conda index`
> command) which can be served by any http server - you need not depend on
> Continuum as a central repository any more than you depend on PyPI as a
> central repository.
> If licensing concerns are preventing you from using conda, I hope you'll
> reconsider.  Otherwise, many people still prefer wheels/pip/virtualenv.
> That's fine.  I don't mean to criticize that.  To each, their own.  I hope
> that conda-forge might provide a useful example for improving wheel building
> capabilities.

Sorry for my naive confusion. I had recalled see proprietary license terms
at http://repo.continuum.io/ which is a commercial offering using conda but
is not conda alright and that I naively confused and conflated with conda....
My bad. Accept my apologies.
I still prefer wheels and this is the topic here anyway!

Philippe Ombredanne

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