[Tutor] Debugging skills

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 5 12:34:24 EST 2024

On 05/01/2024 13:56, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> interpreter.  Regexes are confusing, so there are several websites (see 
> for example regex101.com) where you can enter your "code" (regex) and as 
> it's interpreted, will show you an explanation in words in a separate 
> pane.  Does anyone know if there's a similar thing for Python code? 
> "This is what you wrote actually means to the interpreter".  Ones I know 
> about (like at Programiz, w3schools, online-python) don't attempt the 

That would be good but I think it would be difficult to code,
especially when dealing with issues like recursion - which
a lot of newbies stumble upon by accident! I certainly don't
know of anything like that in any general programming language
let alone Python. (I could probably code it for assembler
but anything beyond that boggles my brain!)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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