[Tutor] Image processing

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sun Oct 1 02:13:12 EDT 2023

On 30Sep2023 09:12, Diana Katz <diana.katz at gmail.com> wrote:
>My daughter has voltage data points from
>A homemade ultrasound that she is trying to convert into an ultrasound 
>image. even a rudimentary picture. Is there any expert on here that can 
>help us turning voltage signals into pixels? Knowledge of some high 
>pass filtering too.

I am no expert. But in Python most numeric data processing is done with 
the scipy and numpy toolkits. You don't need to pick - scipy uses numpy, 
and things like high pass filters are part of scipy.

Maybe these links will be of some help:

Filtering Data with SciPy

High Pass Filter for Image Processing in Python using scipy/numpy

The reference manual for SciPy has a signal processing section:

which, being a reference, requires you to know what you're trying to do.  
But a lot of the pages for indivdual functions have examples at the 
bottom of using the function for various things.

Installing packages for use by your local Python is usually done with 
pip, example:

     python3 -m pip install scipy numpy matplotlib

The incantation "python3 -m pip" runs the pip module using your normal 
Python3 install. We usually use this form because it ensures that the 
packages are installed for that Python, if you've got more than one.

On Windows "python3" is, I gather, usually spelled "py3".

Feel free to ask further questions.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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