[Tutor] Pen plotter data format

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Fri Mar 31 23:19:22 EDT 2023

On 31Mar2023 22:12, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfraed at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>	Note that the absolute minimum command set appears to be: IN
>(initialize device -- likely means zeroing the paper position if the paper
>also moves), SPn (Select Pen n), PUx,y (Pen Up, move to (x,y)), PDx,y (Pen
>Down, move to (x,y)). All sent as ";" delimited text strings (but not
>needed as a termination, it seems from the last link).

Yeah, the termination is pretty weird. But is Phil generating HP-GL or 
trying to parse it? Generating is much easier because you can be nice 
and regular. Parsing has to handle some flexible termination.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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