[Tutor] Testing a dice roller project

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 8 03:44:29 EDT 2023

On 07/06/2023 23:55, dn via Tutor wrote:

>> 5. Is there an active list where it would be more appropriate to ask the
>> many questions I have since they are not absolute beginner questions?
>> (Lite intermediate_tutor at python.org.)
> [No. My understanding is that] this list does not limit the 'level' of 
> question. Indeed tutors have been known to ask each-other 'advanced 
> level' questions here!

That is correct. Our remit is to help new Python programmers with
- Python language issues
- standard library issues
- general programming issues

But there is no specification for how deep those issues go!
But in practice there will come a time (especially if you
delve into the Python innards) where we would refer you
to the main Python list.

Alan G
List moderator

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