[Tutor] Creating menu shortcut key bindings

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Thu Jun 1 01:34:06 EDT 2023

On 01/06/2023 16.15, Phil wrote:
> I've fooled around with this for several hours including extensive 
> searching of the Internet.

I've never used this module/generator before and became quite interested 
- until I struck the problem you mentioned: little relevant 
documentation. Sad because "no thanks"...

> What I have is a file menu with open and exit options that I've created 
> with pygubu, which works perfectly. Now I'm trying to add a shortcut key 
> (ctl + o) to open a file.

tkinter has a particular way of doing things. Try:

Keyboard shortcuts with Tkinter in Python 3: 

How to activate Tkinter menu and toolbar with keyboard shortcut or 


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