[Tutor] looking but not finding

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jul 11 16:21:38 EDT 2023

On 11/07/2023 13:06, o1bigtenor wrote:
> Greetings
> I am new to programming (although I've been using computers for quite
> a while) - - - have a project.
> Situation
> - have a fluid collection system
> - fluid system is on a load cell system

I googled load call sysem and it seems to be a hardware based system,
possibly proprietary. I couldn't find any details on how to access it
via software. You will need to give us much more information about how
you connect your python code to the sensors?

> but I want to record that information (as well as other information around it).
> I've tried looking for data log software

I would expect the hardware supplier to have some kind of libraries -
possibly in C but that's OK Python can probably access those.
Alternatively they may provide command line tools (which OS?)
and again Python can probably drive those.

But without more details on the interface you will need to hope
somebody here has prior experience and thats a long shot! Better
if you can describe it or at least provide a link to a description.
(But thats asking a lot from volunteer helpers!)

> stuff. Tried looking to see if there were python libraries that could
> be manipulated into service

We need to know more. There are lots of possibilities from low level
IP sockets to http/html, or JSON etc If its an industry standard
such as HPIB then there may well be existing high level libraries.
But we don't know your hardware setup.

> (Running on linux if that makes a difference.)

Yes the OS will be very significant here.
The distribution might matter too.
Also the Python version you are using.

The closer to the hardware you get the more specific
the details need to be!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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