[Tutor] louis renton

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 19:50:34 EST 2023

On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 at 00:35, Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:
> On 1/22/23 17:17, dn via Tutor wrote:
> > +1 but.........
> > in order to decide if it is worth copying in the first place, and later
> > to "test", one first needs a basis of knowledge.
> >
> > Some dispute this, saying that as long as they know where to find facts
> > (Google?) why bother to learn them. However, learning is more than
> > "facts". Per the OP's "hands on", it is knowing how to use what you
> > know/can find-out, and actually proving that by doing-so.
> >
> > Question: if needed an operation, would you prefer a graduate of
> > Med.School, or someone who is picking-up brain-surgery from different
> > web-sites recommended by the GOOG?
> see all the furor about ChatGPT... some think it will make programmers
> obsolete because "AI will write your code for you, eliminating all the
> need for deep knowledge". But StackOverflow, which has its own
> detractors, bans answers generated by ChatGPT...

I think StackOverflow's reasons were in part very particular to their
situation. From what I understand some people had promoted the idea
that anyone could use ChatGPT to quickly gain "reputation". Then a lot
of people blindly posted outputs from ChatGPT that were not helpful so
SO banned it. I've seen something similar here:
That usage of ChatGPT is bad but isolated (I haven't seen any other
occurrence) so not massively problematic in the way that I think it
was for SO.


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