[Tutor] finding common words using set.

mhysnm1964 at gmail.com mhysnm1964 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 00:41:50 EST 2023




I have created a function to find the common words within a list of strings.
I never get any results back of the common words and cannot understand why.
This is the first time I have delt with the set data methods and are trying
to understand how to use them.


def find_common_words(strings):

    # Split the strings into lists of words

    word_lists = [s.split() for s in strings]

    # Find the intersection of the sets of words

    common_words = set(word_lists[0]).intersection(*word_lists[1:])

    # Join the common words into a single string

    return ' '.join(common_words)


strings = ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']

common_words = find_common_words(strings)




Should return banana orange and I get a null string. Any ideas why? 



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