[Tutor] Anyone available for 1:1 help?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 11 19:45:20 EST 2023

On 11/02/2023 17:58, Dani Cain wrote:
> New to this and working on a project but find myself spinning my wheels at
> this point. Super general question but anyone available this weekend to
> assist? (Preferably experienced in DS or SDLC.)

That's not how the mailing list works, not least because it is a
mailing list and the delay between sending a mail, readers receiving
it and sending back a response can easily be more than 24 hours.

Instead post any questions to the list and woever receives the
message can respond. With others adding to it as they see the message.

For best effect include The OS, Python version, any third-party
libraries used and a relevant code snippet(ideally real code
not pseudo code) plus any error message in its entirety.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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