[Tutor] Handle and display results

sam muhammed sun.exp14 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 07:10:55 EDT 2023


Good day!

       I am a beginner in Python programming and the field of
classification images using CNN

I try to study the publicly available code in Google Collab or Kaggle to
reuse it.

I have a problem with how to display the resulting images after training
the model (as one image with its label at a time) beginning from the first
image until the last one in the dataset. So that in the end, I get all the
images that have been trained in the model, not just one image or 9 images
as in code).

  I would like your help correcting the code in order to get all the
results of the predictions images.

I will attach the program code for you to fix it.

All the best,


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