[Tutor] On my way out ...

Avi Gross avi.e.gross at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 01:16:33 EDT 2022

Before I leave this forum, I want to write a brief note so that those I
have gotten to know and like here do not wonder if I do not reply to them
when they post here.

I will not be ignoring you, just not receiving any messages including
yours, unless sent to me personally or on some other forum I remain on.

I was a volunteer here and I have my own unique style and expertise among
others with their own and I have appreciated the different viewpoints each
brings and especially when it improves on mine.

But there are elements here who have their ideas of the only right way to
do things and would like people like me to not be ourselves but constantly
check every word and censor ourselves because they want a safe space for
learners. That is a laudable goal but by doing that they make an unsafe or
even hostile space for people like me who believe in concepts like freedom
of speech more than freedom from speech and so on.

This is a forum I do not manage and do not need to participate in. I have
no problem with AG or most others but have no interest in having to keep
dealing with a few individuals I need not name who make the experience of
helping others stressful to me. My policy is that you either take me as I
am or get none of me. That does not mean I am not willing to adapt just
that I am very resistant to anything I consider mindless brainwashing.
There is a real world out there that people with high self-esteem and who
want their hands held may have trouble competing in when actual skills and
results matter.

This began with me suggesting we be wary of people who just want their
homework done for them and focus on people who can define their problem and
want to learn how to improve on their efforts. I offer no apologies and
will not work with anyone who seems to want others to apologize constantly
for ever sharing a view or opinion contrary to their orthodoxy.

So, I am taking my leave and hopefully others will be able to work within
these constraints and the group will get things done.

I have plenty of projects including voluntary activities by people actually
in my life who want help with Python, R and other things I am good at and
take me as I am. Why be in a stressful and even hostile place? For those
that want peace, my leaving may give you the space you want. Just don’t ask
me for a job.

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