[Tutor] OT: Line wrap

avi.e.gross at gmail.com avi.e.gross at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 13:48:11 EDT 2022

You definitely came to the right place for this question.

We all use Thunderbird as our mailer and we have had lots of complaints on this forum that lines are not wrapping properly and need to be kept short.

I am breathlessly awaiting the solutions offered.

OK, to be serious, although this forum is meant primarily to help people regarding specifically Python programming, there have been issues with what might loosely be called mail etiquette. It can be tricky as just about any mailer used set to any format (including plain text) ends up being displayed oddly by some reader out there, including things like a cell phone with a small screen.

So some mailing lists convert everything they get to plain text, often causing more issues and strip attachments, causing yet more.

I do NOT like using plain text as my default as I like being able to use HTML features in my usual mail for other purposes and do not like switching back and forth to text mode. But life is what it is and I do sometimes do annoying things like manually shorten my lines of text.

But if you make changes in your mailer, what are you expecting? Do you want the lines wrapped ON YOUR SCREEN the way you want (and often not as the sender intended) or do you want your outgoing mail altered so long seemingly wrapped lines on your screen are actually wrapped into multiple lines on the output?

I note some people like their lines intact and be able to scroll sideways. As an example, when I look at the contents of a wide data.frame then the wrapping makes it useless as columns no longer line up at all. Long lines I can slide sideways in may be better.

Good Luck, perhaps asking the question again in a forum that might deal with it or doing a SEARCH that includes the name of your mailer and some keywords.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+avi.e.gross=gmail.com at python.org> On Behalf Of Torbjörn Svensson Diaz
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2022 11:53 AM
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Line wrap

Dear, tutors,

 From a manual about mail lists:

2.3. What is considered proper etiquette when posting to the mailing lists?
Please wrap lines at 75 characters, since not everyone uses fancy GUI mail reading programs.End quote.

How do I configure this in Mozilla Thunderbird? I use Mozilla 102.2.2.

Torbjörn Svensson Diaz

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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