[Tutor] syntax parsing and ast

Flynn, Stephen (Life & Pensions) Steve.Flynn at capita.com
Thu Nov 3 14:07:48 EDT 2022

There are a number of parsers already built as libraries - I strongly recommend you take a look at some of them ,have a play and see which one suits your application.

A pretty comprehensive list is kept (up-to-date too) on Github in the webmaven/python-parsing-tools repo.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+steve.flynn=capita.co.uk at python.org> On Behalf Of Nathan Smith
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 5:35 PM
To: tutor <tutor at python.org>
Subject: [Tutor] syntax parsing and ast


Hi guys,

I'm hoping someone can give me direction here (this is not to do with my main project which I mentioned a little while ago and turned out to be unrelated to what I suspected) typical.

This time I want to parse code of another language into python.

It's not a mainstream language and is relatively simple in that in that it has only a couple of rules:

1. Everything can be a considered a function.

2. There is a small number of builtins (about 50 in total).

3. It uses spaces to separate arguments, unless a space is needed in which case the argument is inclosed in brackets like so: {arg with spaces} {arg 2 with spaces}

I want to pass this into some objects that would allow a tree like so:







I was thinking ast maybe be the way to go about this, and perhaps rejex for syntax matching, but beyond that I may need some pointers.

thanks in advance for anything you can offer in the way of help.


Best Wishes,

Nathan Smith, BSC

My Website: https://nathantech.net

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