[Tutor] finding sum of digits in a string

Manprit Singh manpritsinghece at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 12:08:20 EDT 2022

Dear Sir,

Take an example of finding the sum of digits in a string :

st = "ab23YH6UJ7ik83LO"

To find the sum of digits in the string st, i can do it in below given
manners :

1) sum(int(ele) for ele in st if ele in "123456789")

2) sum(int(ele) for ele in st if ele.isdigit())

Although the 2nd one is more compact, using isdigit() method , what bothers
is - isdigit() method. It should be used to check a substring, not a single
character. Here I have to check all characters of the string one by one,
why not use in operator as done in the 1st way. Any guidelines regarding
this ?

Manprit Singh

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