[Tutor] I need help

Amer Saeed amer.saeed at tu.edu.iq
Sat Mar 12 18:47:06 EST 2022

I need help about how to represent these equations in python

Task which is index start with 1 to m

Tasks ti=[t1, t2, t3, t4,…,tm]

Each t1 is assigned to either

                                 Iot device,     sy,z,  when y=o, z=n

                                Fog cloud        or s0,n then sy,z, when
y=1, z=1,..f

                                 Cloud                 or s0,n then s1,z
then sy,z, when y=2, z=1,…c

Xn,i= 0 when it is first case above

Xn,i=1  when it is second case above

Xn,i=2  when it is third case above

Xn,i= 0 depicts that the ith task is assigned to the nth IoT device (s^0,n)
for local execution,

 and Xn,i =1 and xn;i = 2 denote that the ith task is assigned to one of
fog servers and cloud servers, respectively, for the remote execution.

Moreover, the f and c show the number of available

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