[Tutor] make a sqlite3 database from an ordinary text file

Roel Schroeven roel at roelschroeven.net
Mon Jun 20 15:18:25 EDT 2022

Alan Gauld via Tutor schreef op 20/06/2022 om 20:01:
> On 20/06/2022 09:45, Roel Schroeven wrote:
> >> NEVER initialised a DB/TBL this way. Easy for me to say: I learned RDBMS
> >> and SQL very early in my career, and therefore know to use the tools
> >> from that eco-system. (the rationale in books is the exact opposite -
> >> presuming the reader has never used DB-tools). Use the best tool for the
> >> job!
> > I don't really agree with this. I quite often use Python to read data 
> > from some file, perhaps process it a bit, then store it in SQL. 
> Roel,
> We weren't saying not to use Python for processing SQL data.
> It was specifically about creating the schema in Python
> (and to a lesser degree loading it with initial data). You
> can do it but it's usually much easier to do it directly
> in SQL (which you have to embed in the Python code anyway!)

Ah, I misunderstood. My apologies.

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         -- Franklin P. Jones

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