[Tutor] Learning Object Oriented Programming

avi.e.gross at gmail.com avi.e.gross at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 16:52:48 EDT 2022

My two cents is that the question is way too broad and this is not the place to discuss it.

[Most people here who are focused on learning the basics of python probably should skip this message.]

The subject was about Object Oriented Programming. The questions asked are NOT really.

They are about an assortment of modules that internally use all kinds of techniques that do often do create and manage a series of objects and functions and to use them the user may have to use Object Oriented techniques and often other things like functional programming techniques. 

I have studied base Python a dozen or more ways to gain some fluency and only then did I study the modules you mention and many others. You may be able to use some much better if you learn incrementally. You may need to study the numpy module that is heavily used by everything including YOUR code that has to put data into a form that can be processed well. You may want to study the pandas module that sort of extends numpy.

After that, it depends on what you want to do with AI. I am not sure you need SciPy for many things as much as Scikit-learn. As for TensorFlow, that is doing things at a relatively low level and many others have built on top of it some ways to do things in possibly simpler and more powerful ways such as Keras or Theano and others, albeit some take very different paths with some not feeling natural unless you understand many styles of python programming. 

But this is NOT the place for tutoring about specific and esoteric questions and as you have not asked such a question, I will not talk about this more here. There are oodles of resources on-line and in books that you can consult and so much depends on your background. AI is a vast subject and getting vaster and you may actually be more interested in topics like Machine Learning and end up working in a place where others use specific tools among the many available.

Python as a language is just one of many tools. It is commonly used for the general purposes mentioned but some places use others.

Good Luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+avi.e.gross=gmail.com at python.org> On Behalf Of Leam Hall
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 3:52 PM
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Learning Object Oriented Programming

Learning Python's object system will probably help, since most of your other material will assume you know it. As you said, the AI field is huge. Maybe mention one or two things that really excite you and see if folks can make suggestions for those specific things.

On 6/10/22 07:59, Aliyan Navaid wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I aspire to learn AI with python and  learned the basics of python such as
>     datatypes, iteration, selection.
>     However now I’m stuck as there is so much in the field of AI, what should
>     my next move be? Learning OOP? Libraries such as SciPy? Tensor flow?
>     Statistics?
>     Thanks in advance.

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