[Tutor] Volunteer teacher

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Sat Jul 23 20:54:32 EDT 2022

On 24/07/2022 07.27, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 7/23/22 13:14, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 Jul 2022 04:53:22 -0500, Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com>
>> declaimed the following:
>>> For the latter, Python Object Oriented Programming (https://www.amazon.com/Python-Object-Oriented-Programming-maintainable-object-oriented/dp/1801077266).
>> 	<snicker>
>> 	A rather unfortunate name... Acronym POOP... "Object Oriented
>> Programming in Python" avoids such <G>
>> 	Of course -- my view is that, if one is going to focus on OOP, one
>> should precede it with an introduction to a language-neutral OOAD textbook.
> Maybe... I haven't looked at one for so long, but I'd worry that they'd
> nod too much to existing implementations like Java which enforce a
> rather idiotic "everything must be a class even if it isn't, like your
> main() routine".

+1 (here, and +1 with @Alan's post)

and +1 to the 'paralysis through analysis' syndrome @Leam mentions. The
best way to 'learn' is to 'do'! Reading the same facts in similar
books/sources is unlikely to improve 'learning' as much as you might hope!

As a trainer (my $job is not in Python) my colleagues and I struggle
with trying to find a balance between 'doing stuff' with code, and
learning the more academic theory 'behind' ComSc and/or
software-development. It's a lot easier if one only covers 'Python', and
not the theory behind OOP (or example). However, professionals will
(usually) benefit from both.

Worse, there are a number of topics, eg Source Code Management,
Test-Driven Development, O-O, even 'modules' and (the infamous)
'comments'; which are/will always be problematic topics at the 'Beginner
level' - because if one is only writing short 'toy' program[me]s, there
is no *apparent* need or purpose - which makes it very much an exercise
in theory!

We are running something of a (pedagogical) experiment at our Python
Users' Group. The PUG consists of many 'groups' of folks, including
hobbyists and professionals, ranging from 101-students and 'Beginners',
through to 'Python Masters' - so it is quite a challenge to find
meeting-topics which will offer 'something for everyone'.

Currently, we have Olaf running a Presentation-based series on "Software
Craftsmanship". Accordingly, he talks of systems at a 'high level'. For
example 'inversion of control' is illustrated with 'Uncle Bob's' very
theoretical "The Clean Architecture" diagram (which I call 'the circles

In complementary (and complimentary) fashion, I am working 'bottom up'
on a series of 'Coding Evenings' called "Crafting Software" using the
ultimate practical 'code-along-at-home' approach. This has started with
using the REPL (PyCharm's Python Console - our meetings feature a 'door
prize', sponsored by JetBrains - thanks guys!). We commenced
implementing a very (very) simple Business Rule/spec, and immediately
launched into grabbing some input data. Coders who 'dive straight in'
make me wince, so you can only imagine the required manful

Newcomers were learning how to use input() - that's how 'low' we
started! The object of this series is to build a routine and then
gradually expand and improve same. Along the way we will quickly
discover the hassles of changing from a single (constant) price (for
1KG/2lb of apples), to (say) an in-code price-list, to having product
detail stored in a database. Hopefully there will be realisation(s): 'we
should have asked that question before warming-up the keyboard', as well
as 'if we design with change in-mind, our later-lives will be a lot
easier'... 'SOLID by stealth'!

So, the series' aim is to show that a bit of thought (essentially the
implementation of U.Bob's diagram showing 'inversion', independence,
cohesion, and coupling) up-front is a worthwhile investment - as well as
demonstrating 'how to do it' in Python, and a bunch of paradigms and
principles, etc, along-the-way.

Relevance to the OP:
is to get-going, and realise that any 'later' "refactoring" is not a
crime/sin - indeed may be a valuable part of the learning-experience.

Relevance to you/more details about the two series:
- Olaf's series runs bi-monthly (s/b mid-August*), but Coding Evenings
* KiwiPyCon will be held (in-person and also on-line) 19-21 August
(after three postponements! https://kiwipycon.nz)
- the PUG gathers for two meetings pcm
- meeting-details are published through
- although the labels say "New Zealand" and "Auckland", we are no-longer
'local', running in the virtual world
- accordingly, relative time-zones are the deciding-factor, so we often
refer to ourselves as 'UTC+12' (or the PUG at the end of the universe?)
- all welcome - learners and contributors alike!

PS are looking at introducing git (or...) as part of the "Crafting
Software" series, and UML to ease Olaf's 'load'. Would you please
volunteer a 'lightning talk' and demo on one/the other/both subject(s)?

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