[Tutor] Question about python decorators

Nathan Smith nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 11 17:29:33 EDT 2022


I figured this is how they work, so it's nice to have that confirmed!

For some reason though I have a library that is not behaving this way, 
to example:


def function():

  do stuff

works, but


does not

I'm likely missing something, but I'd be curious to here experts opinions.

The library I am working with is:


On 11/07/2022 18:23, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 7/11/22 04:58, nathan tech wrote:
>> As I understand it, decorators are usuallyed created as:
>> @object.event
>> Def function_to_be_executed():
>> Do_stuff
>> My question is, is there a way to create this after the function is created?
>> So:
>> Def function():
>> Print("this is interesting stuff")
>> @myobject.event=function
> You don't have to use the @ form at all, but your attempt to assign
> won't work.
> def function():
>      print("This is interesting stuff")
> function = object.event(function)
> Now the new version of function is the wrapped version; the original
> version (from your def statement) is held by a reference in the instance
> of the wrapper.
> If that's what you are asking...
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Best Wishes,

Nathan Smith, BSC

My Website: https://nathantech.net

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