[Tutor] Iterate Through a Dictionary where the Values are Tuples

Dennis Lee Bieber wlfraed at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jan 27 19:49:17 EST 2022

On Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:08:28 -0800, Christopher Gass
<chris.gass.177 at gmail.com> declaimed the following:

>what's being requested in the response plan. When I try to
>iterate through "details" however, I'm receiving a "too many values to
>unpack" error. Do you have a solution to this error or maybe another way I
>could approach the problem? Thanks for the help.

>position = {
>    'TAC_1':['BA0001', 'BA0002', 'BA0003', 'BA0004'],
>    'TAC_7':['DF009', 'DF010', 'DF011', 'DF013', 'DF055']

	Is it guaranteed that the items in the lists are singular? (That is,
"BA0002" will only appear once is the entire structure?)

>TAC_1 = {
>    'BLS':[['Aid Unit', 'Engine', 'Ladder']],
>    'BLSN':[['Aid Unit', 'Engine', 'Ladder']],
>    'MED':['Medic Unit', 'Engine'],
>    'MEDX':['Medic Unit', ['Engine', 'Ladder'], ['Engine', 'Ladder'], 'Medical
>Services Officer']
>station_order = {
>    'BA0001':['STA 2', 'STA 3', 'STA 1', 'STA 5', 'STA 4', 'STA 6', 'STA 7',
>'STA 61', 'STA 63', 'STA 82'],
>    'BA0002':['STA 2', 'STA 3', 'STA 1', 'STA 5', 'STA 4', 'STA 6', 'STA 7',
>'STA 61', 'STA 63', 'STA 82']
>units = {
>    'A2':('Aid Unit', 'STA 2'),
>    'E2':('Engine', 'STA 2'),
>def recommendations(call_type,grid):
>    call_type = call_type.strip().upper()
>    grid = grid.strip().upper()
>    result = []
>    apparatus = []
>    i = 0
>    unit_details = ()
>    radio_position = get_radio(grid)

	Since you didn't provide get_radio() I'm having to infer that it is
doing a reverse lookup -- that is, it is looking for "grid" in the list of
values, and then returning the KEY for "position".

>    if radio_position == 'TAC_1':
>        radio_position = TAC_1

	If you have to expand this all keys in "position" it is going to get
confusing... Ignoring that get_radio() is returning a string which is bound
to radio_position... and then you replace that binding with another
>    response_plan = radio_position[call_type]
>    rec_station_order = station_order[grid]
>    for unit_type in response_plan:
>        for x in unit_type:

	You don't seem to be doing anything with "x"

>            for station in rec_station_order:
>                for unit, details in units.items():
>                    for u_type, unit_station in details:

	Details, at this point, is (example)
				("Aid Unit", "STA 2")
so iterating returns "Aid Unit" as the first item which you are trying to
unpack into two values -- as a string, it unpacks into characters.

	Try tuple unpacking
			u_type, unit_station = details

>                        if u_type == unit_type and unit_station == station
>and unit not in result:

	Seems rather confusing... The top loop is pulling unit_type, the second
loop does something with it, and down here you are comparing back to the
top unit...

	You don't really seem to be doing much with all those dictionaries

>                            result.append(unit)
>                            apparatus.append(response_plan[i])
>                            i += 1
>    return result

	Why are you accumulating "apparatus" but not returning it?

	Does this get closer to what you intended? Note the inversion of some
of your dictionaries.

TAC_1 = {   "BLS" :     [
                            ["Aid Unit", "Engine", "Ladder"]
            "BLSN" :    [
                            ["Aid Unit", "Engine", "Ladder"]
            "MED" :     [
                            ["Medic Unit"],
            "MEDX" :    [
                            ["Medic Unit"],
                            ["Engine", "Ladder"],
                            ["Engine", "Ladder"],
                            ["Medical Services Officer"]

TAC_7 = {   "TBD" : ["TBD"] }

position =  {   "BA0001" :  TAC_1,
                "BA0002" :  TAC_1,
                "BA0003" :  TAC_1,
                "BA0004" :  TAC_1,
                "DF009" :   TAC_7,
                "DF010" :   TAC_7,
                "DF011" :   TAC_7,
                "DF013" :   TAC_7,
                "DF055" :   TAC_7

station_order = {   "BA0001" :  [   "STA 2",    "STA 3",
                                    "STA 1",    "STA 5",
                                    "STA 4",    "STA 6",
                                    "STA 7",    "STA 61",
                                    "STA 63",   "STA 82"
                    "BA0002" :  [   "STA 2",    "STA 3",
                                    "STA 1",    "STA 5",
                                    "STA 4",    "STA 6",
                                    "STA 7",    "STA 61",
                                    "STA 63",   "STA 82"

units = {   ("Aid Unit", "STA 2") : "A2",
            ("Engine", "STA 2") :   "E2"

def recommendation(call_type, grid):
    call_type = call_type.strip().upper()
    grid = grid.strip().upper()
    result = []
    apparatus = []

    # ensure items exist
    if (position.get(grid, None) is None or
        station_order.get(grid, None) is None):
        return "GRID %s is not valid" % grid
    if position[grid].get(call_type, None) is None:
        return "GRID/CALL_TYPE %s/%s is not valid" % (grid, call_type)
    # response plan loop
    for response_units in position[grid][call_type]:
        for ru in response_units:
            # station loop
            for station in station_order[grid]:
                unit = units.get( (ru, station), None)
                if unit is not None:

    return (result, apparatus)

print(recommendation("bls", "ba0001") )


	Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
	wlfraed at ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

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