[Tutor] Pyenv; path; packages

Julius Hamilton juliushamilton100 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 06:19:51 EDT 2022


I installed pyenv with homebrew on Mac but it did not automatically put the
path to the installed version (3.7.13) in my path. The command “python” is
not recognized. I can invoke it by invoking the full path to the

Why isn’t it in my path by default? Did I mess a step of the installation
or something? Should I just add it myself or what is the standard practice

I have packages installed via my system pip3 (for Python 3.8.9) and it
seems the Python I installed via pyenv can’t find them.

Am I supposed to reinstall all packages for Python 3.7.13? Is it really the
case that the packages for Python 3.8.9 won’t work with Python 3.7.13?

I’m just trying to use the same set up I have but with an older version of
Python. Someone said I don’t need a virtual environment for this, just an
older installation of Python. I saw I could download a binary for Python
3.7 as well.

Is the simplest to just download that binary, make an alias for the path to
it and I’m good to go?

Thanks very much,

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