[Tutor] Center Grove Student Mentoring Question

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Fri Apr 8 17:06:19 EDT 2022

Welcome to our happy band!

On 09/04/2022 06.02, Gavin Woods wrote:

> project called "Genius Hour." For this project, we are asked to choose a

Good to hear! I'm a great believer in the constructivist approach (ask
your teacher if you don't know how that philosophy under-pins "Genius
Hour") and wish more of 'school' worked this way.

Fundamentally all good programmers are driven by what is referred-to as
a "need for achievement". We like to get things done. We don't let
(sometimes repeated) problems/faults/"bugs" get in the way. Intrinsic
motivation (another term you may need to ask about) is the only way one
can cope with a machine that stubbornly (only) does things its own way...

> seeking a mentor who can help answer questions about the topic we chose.
> That is why I'm reaching out to you. My topic for my Genius Hour Project is
> how to code. I was hoping you could answer some questions that I have
> regarding my project.

If you/your teachers/'the rules' specifically require "a mentor" (as in
one person - whereas we are a group), you should 'look-around' because
there's bound to be someone-local who'll assist.

There is an active "IndyPy" PUG (Python Users' Group) - I don't recall
if that is "Indy" as in "Indiana" or in "Indianapolis", but you'll work
it out. They will be holding a meeting next week, and although the topic
looks rather advanced (certainly not for a raw beginner), you may like
to go-along and see if you can make a few 'contacts' - face-to-face
shows willing and makes for a good first-impression! Please review
https://indypy.org/ and see if you can find contact and meeting details

> 1. Are there any specific websites/videos that I can use to help me learn
> python?

@Alan has already provided a link to his course. If you work through
that, and find a question, we'll be delighted to help you learn.

An alternative might be a MOOC (Massively Open Online Course - whereas
my first lecture was delivered to ~300 university students, these days
we count in hundreds of thousands of trainees!). 'Mine' are not Python,
but there are plenty available on both the Coursera and edX platforms.
The advantage of these is that alongside the lessons, they run
Discussion Boards. These are constrained to members of the one course,
and split across sessions; enabling (staff and) trainees at the same
level to discuss the same topic (and for you to read other/previous
people's questions, and responses - also, as you gain confidence, to
contribute to others' learning!). Further disclosure: I was asked to
audit (some of?) the U.Mich Python courses on Coursera, and found them

Another approach might be to use a (text) book. This will also provide
you with the structure and direction of a learning-plan (which is what
"course" also means!). However, a book will not meet the "socialisation"
context which you enjoy when working alongside class-mates - unless
there are others in your cohort with similar aims.

> 2. What are some useful tips for beginners?

A spirit of enquiry. A drive towards continuous learning. A preparedness
to be told "you are wrong" without mercy - we've already tried to
challenge you with 'the bad news'.

> 3. If there was one thing you knew before coding, what would it be?

How grey I'd become four~five decades later...

...> questions regarding my project, you can contact me or my LA
teachers at the
> following email addresses:

Communication is at the heart of programming - communicating with the
machine, but also communicating with one's colleagues. (in truth many of
us better at the former, than the latter) I'll emphasise that to saying
'communicating clearly and unambiguously'.

Ask yourself (and your favorite search engine) if "LA" communicates to
people who are not teachers or school-students? "Los Angeles",
"Louisiana", "Loud Artists", "Layabout", ...???


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