[Tutor] Center Grove Student Mentoring Question

Gavin Woods woodsgav000 at students.centergrove.k12.in.us
Fri Apr 8 14:02:01 EDT 2022

Dear Python Tutor,

My name is Gavin, and I am a 7th grade student at Center Grove Middle
School Central in Greenwood, IN. In my LA class, we are working on a
project called "Genius Hour." For this project, we are asked to choose a
topic that we are passionate about. One component of this project is
seeking a mentor who can help answer questions about the topic we chose.
That is why I'm reaching out to you. My topic for my Genius Hour Project is
how to code. I was hoping you could answer some questions that I have
regarding my project.

1. Are there any specific websites/videos that I can use to help me learn

2. What are some useful tips for beginners?

3. If there was one thing you knew before coding, what would it be?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my email. I hope you will be
able to help me. If possible, would you please respond to this email by
Friday, April 23rd? I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any
questions regarding my project, you can contact me or my LA teachers at the
following email addresses:



For questions, please email my teachers: (Mrs. Sarah Pironello)
pironellos at centergrove.k12.in.us or (Ms. Olivia Hornsby)
hornsbyg at centergrove.k12.in.us

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