[Tutor] infinite while loop

marcus.luetolf at bluewin.ch marcus.luetolf at bluewin.ch
Fri Oct 1 14:23:24 EDT 2021

Hello Experts,

I'm stuck with not beeig able to stop the while loop in the script below
which should

yield the  minimumFixedMonthlyPayment (in steps of 10) to payoff a balance
in 12 months

according to the variables set.


The script below creates an indefinite loop and I don't understand why the
the loop

does not stop when the variable "previousBalance > yields negative values

the condition set for the while loop.

Where is my mistake ?


>balance = 1000

>previousBalance = balance


>minimumFixedMonthlyPayment = 10

>annualInterestRate = 0.2

>monthlyInterestRate = (annualInterestRate) / 12.0


>while previousBalance > 0.0:


        >for i in range(12):

            >monthlyPaidBalance = (previousBalance) -

            >updatedBalanceEachMonth = (monthlyPaidBalance) +
(monthlyInterestRate * monthlyPaidBalance)

            >previousBalance = updatedBalanceEachMonth

            >print('previousBalance:', round(previousBalance,2))


        >previousBalance = balance

        >minimumFixedMonthlyPayment += 10

>print(previousBalance, minimumFixedMonthlyPayment)



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