[Tutor] Help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 6 21:17:49 EDT 2021

On 07/11/2021 00:47, Ewen Jamet wrote:
> Hello,
> Does someone can help me i face an issur with plotting on cartopy and it is
> really important that I achieve that tonight.. i would be really greatful

You are posting to an email list (email can take up to 24 hours to
arrive) based all around the world - so where are you and what time is
"night" where you live? And you are asking about "plotting on cartopy"
which are not standard Python modules (this list is specifically for
the core language and standard library). Finally, you ask for help on
"an issue" but give no clue to what the issue is, nor do you show us any
code, data, error messages etc.

In short, you are not helping yourself to get answers, far less by
"tonight" whenever that is.

Should you find yourself in a similar position in the future think
carefully about all of the above points before sending out a request
for help and you may have more success.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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