[Tutor] Help for coding

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 6 07:05:03 EDT 2021

On 05/11/2021 15:29, James Kameni via Tutor wrote:
> Hello,i am trying to solve the order batching problem using the tabu search in Jupyter Notebook

Caveat: I don't know how to solve the order batching program,
I don't know what the tabu search is and I don;t use Jupyter
noteboook. However....

> list of items and distances : "TD.txt"customers orders and quantities: "Auftrag.txt"

You are lucky in that the list does not accept attachments - except
for pure text. So these two files made it through.

> code: order batching problem.ipynb

But this one didn't since the server doesn't recognise the
extension and even if it did wouldn't pass an executable file,

> can you give me tipps or some help?

Looking at your data files its not at all clear what they are!
However, I'm guessing its some kind of mesh or graph definition
and therefore the solution to your problem will involve
investigating mathematical graph theory.

To get more help here I think you'll need to send some code
and explain what the data files mean. Its best if you embed
those in the text of your mail rather that attaching files.

For example in TD.txt, what does

o	b	3
o	e	8
o	h	14
b	a	5
a	f	8
a	g	14

And in Auftrag.txt what does:
1	a	2		
1	b	3
1	c	1
2	d	5
2	e	2

And how are the two related?
It is not immediately obvious!
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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