[Tutor] Best way to save a D&D-like game's state?

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Sat May 22 20:45:18 EDT 2021

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 5:54 AM Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/21/21 10:31 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> > But, nonetheless, I would like to explore the truly
> > difficult problem of allowing the program to be a mediator of the
> > players' actions and allow their range of activities to be as
> > unfettered as possible.
> If you're looking at NLP, then I recommend finding an NLP specific community. They have likely already worked through the underlying solutions you're asking about.

I was just answering Dennis' question.  I am very far away from this
aspect of the project.  In fact it will probably be the very last
thing I tackle.  Right now I am just trying to consider the overall
architecture and anticipate troublesome areas.  My actual effort to
start coding will be *very* iterative.  I already have most of the
game content settled on where I can "control" the game play
environment in a way I don't think it will seem arbitrary or
artificial to a potential player.  That is, I think I have good story
lines planned out that make sense in their own context.  Step 1 will
be to develop a text adventure version of this so I don't have to
worry about a GUI much less art and 3D graphics.  In this I will try
to implement my ideas for allowing free-form play for the players.  I
have an idea to restrict the language issues to a manageable subset
that I think will allow players to do many more things than I am
currently aware of any other game allowing.  This will be challenging
enough for a start.  *If* I make serious inroads on this I will
consider what to tackle next.

But going back to your point I have read a tutorial on NLTK and
explored the project a bit to get a feel of what is currently doable
with language interpretation and processing.

So my original questions were strictly on-topic Python related as I
will have to deal with saving almost immediately once I start coding,
and I don't want to make a stupid decision on file formats that I will
regret and have to go back and fix later.

boB Stepp

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