[Tutor] creating and writing to a text file

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Mar 29 20:03:21 EDT 2021

On 3/29/21 5:14 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> Again, Heuer's Razor:
>      If it can't be turned off, it's not a feature. - Karl Heuer
> Black is for people who want consistent formatting (it certainly eases
> diff churn etc once the formatting is done) but _don't_ care about
> style.

It's basically to decide "okay, this is just the way it is, we use this 
and no more arguing about style because the tool will do the style for 
us".  But the quote thing is controversial enough that it's actually one 
of the vanishingly small number of things you can configure in Black. 
(example of "controversial": it you enter a string in the Python 
interpreter (REPL), it will display it back to you in single quotes, but 
Black turns it to double)

> I remain a big fan of yapf, and use it by default.
Have to agree, yapf does a nice job. But...

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