[Tutor] Printing without a line feed

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Thu Mar 25 02:35:33 EDT 2021

On 25/03/2021 18.29, Phil wrote:
> Thank you for reading this.
> I want to print a range of numbers with a space between them but without
> a space at the end. For instance:
>     for i in range(6):
>         print(i, end=' ')
> How do I do this without the end space? I've spent hours on this even
> though I've managed to do what I want not long ago but I cannot remember
> how I did it. It's very frustrating.

end= and sep=

NB if there is an end=nullstring within the loop, the cursor remains at
the end of the 'printed' line.
Thus, afterwards, another print() will 'end' the line!

Alternately, use the loop to build a string or a list, which can then be
join-ed with space(s) - and print after the loop terminates.

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