[Tutor] (no subject)

singh000taran at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 08:52:36 EDT 2021

I am writing the question again in a more readable form.

Write a python program to read from input a string. The input contains
COMMA separated string values. The output of the program is the count of
string values where (a) the length is >= 2; AND (b) the first and last
character of the string value are the same. Input: abc,xyz,aba,1221,1
Output: 2 Input: abc, xyz , alpha Output: 1 [Note that the second string (
xyz ) has SPACE at the start and at the end; while the last string ( alpha)
has SPACE only at the start.

On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 5:52 PM ੧ <singh000taran at gmail.com> wrote:

> Respected sir, please guide me with the question given below. I don't fully
> understand the question.
> Write a python program to read from input a string. The input contains
> COMMA separated string values. The output of the program is the count of
> string values where (a) the length is >= 2; AND (b) the first and last
> character of the string value are the same. Input: abc,xyz,aba,1221,1
> Output: 2 Input: abc, xyz , alpha Output: 1 [Note that the second string (
> xyz ) has SPACE at the start and at the end; while the last string ( alpha)
> has SPACE only at the start.
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