[Tutor] About (dev-)requirements.txt

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Mar 11 19:28:22 EST 2021

On 3/11/21 2:30 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 11/03/2021 14:37, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>>     How do I generate separate (i.e., disjoint) lists of requirements for the
>>     app itself and the dev-requirements?
> Ok, This one puzzles me.
> I come from a background of large projects, with typically
> between 50-500 developers. Requirements are something catalogued
> in a book

Requirements is the wrong word, but that seems to be the term the Python 
packaging ecosystem settled on.  It's "dependencies", as in other Python 
packages needed...

It's a problem that's very actual for me, as I'm working on a project 
that can be run with nothing but the Python standard library, but for a 
project developer, there are dependencies - xml tools, sphinx 
documentation generator, etc. - these are development dependencies, but 
not runtime dependencies, and we've also wrestled with keeping them 

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