[Tutor] stateless Vs operation with state

Manprit Singh manpritsinghece at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 02:13:22 EDT 2021

Dear sir ,

Although this question may be a little out of scope of this mailing list,
if you can answer it will be really helpful for me .

An example of operation with state :

Suppose I have to make a  software solution that can maintain the bank
balance of the customer . At a  particular  time if a customer has a
balance of 2000  and he deposits  4000 . then his balance becomes 6000 . so
this present balance is dependent on the previous balance . According to me
this problem is a problem with state and for such kind of problems OOPS or
classes  are  the solution .

Example of stateless:

Stateless problems are those problems, in which i can get the answer of the
problem based on the present scenario only , and that answer  is not going
to alter or change the  input in any way . Functions are best  for these

Am i right or wrong ?

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