[Tutor] TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Wed Jul 14 09:59:45 EDT 2021

On 14/07/2021 15:11, Aditya Karthik wrote:
> I want to run the contents of a folder named rvnewop for my dump file
> file.dump
> So i type this command in the terminal:
> python3 -m rvnewop  path/to/file.dump
> But then I get an error :

It looks like you need to provide a value for the --isa option, e. g.

python3 -m rvnewop  --isa I32 path/to/file.dump

I'd say that this is a bug in the user interface -- the developer should 
make the --isa option required or provide a default.

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