[Tutor] Fw: PLEASE HELP!

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jan 24 20:22:05 EST 2021

On 25/01/2021 00:14, Dan via Tutor wrote:

>> I am trying to download and install a python matrix module.

There are several. Which one?

Most folks use numpy, but that's a lot more than a matrix
module its a whole raft of math type goodies.

>  I am using python 3.8.7 and running it on Windows 7. 

> So far, all I have been doing for days is clicking 
> on links that go around and around without telling 
> me how to download Matrix. 

Most python modules these days are installed using
the pip command. That should both download and install it.
But unless you tell us exactly which module you are trying
to install we can't be more specific.

> Otherwise, I am through with Python as it impossible for me to use.

That's OK too, there are lots of other programming languages to choose.
But they mostly all have similar issues when you try to install non
standard libraries.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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