[Tutor] Ftplib Error

John Weller john at johnweller.co.uk
Sat Jan 2 11:27:28 EST 2021

I use the following code to download a list of files from a web server:



        ftp = ftplib.FTP(data.ftp_host)  # connect to host, default port

        ftp.login(user=data.ftp_user <ftp://ftp.login(user=data.ftp_user> , passwd=data.ftp_passwd)

    except ftplib.all_errors as err:

        # Log the error



        ftp.cwd(data.ftp_dir) <ftp://ftp.cwd(data.ftp_dir)> 

        files = ftp.nlst() <ftp://ftp.nlst()> 


I am using VS Code and have just installed Pylance.  It is now telling me that “all_errors” is not a valid exception class but the documentation suggests that it is unless I am mis-reading the documentation (always a possibility 😊).  Your advice will be gratefully received.




John Weller

07976 393631


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