[Tutor] Questions about Creating Executables and Backward Compatibility

Marc Tompkins marc.tompkins at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 18:16:28 EST 2021

I think py2exe might be what you're looking for: https://www.py2exe.org/

It bundles the Python interpreter + supporting files, along with your
script and any dependencies, into a single executable suitable for
distribution.  It's a compromise, of course - on one hand the executable is
relatively large because it has to include Python itself, and on the other
hand your users don't get a usable Python development environment out of it
- but it gets the job done fairly easily.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 3:05 PM Shaun Keyes-McClements <writer5643 at gmail.com>

> Hi Team,
> I am a hobbyist programmer with the following questions:
> Since Python is a scripting language and does not need to be compiled, how
> would I make executables of programs written in either Python 3.1 or 3.9?
> PIP seems to support specific versions of Python, such as 3.4 and 3.7,
> respectively. What I would like, is to share text adventures I've
> written with those who don't have Python installed on their systems. Is
> there a way to do this, I mean, do I need to create a library and import it
> into another language such as C++, to be compiled?  Next question, with the
> exception of updates made, are Python 3x versions typically backward
> compatible? For example, have the Input and Print Functions remained the
> same in terms of syntax from let's say 3.1 onward? Most of my experience
> with Python is with 3.1; I recently installed 3.9 and don't want to
> reinvent the wheel by rewriting all of my programs from scratch, though I
> am not opposed to revising for efficiency and improved User Experience.
> Thank you for your time and attention.
> Shaun
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