[Tutor] method could be a function warning

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 23:07:36 EST 2021

On 23/12/21 12:22, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> First: "method could be a function warning" looks like a linter warning.
> Is it?
> Yes. If your linter's complaining, that is because the method does not
> use self. So it does not need to be a method. That does not not mean it
> _should _not_ be a method.

Thank you Cameron, Alan and Mats.

I didn't mention in my initial message that I had tried:


     def dummy():

This quietened pylint but since I still need to prefix the call to 
dummy() with self. I presumed that what I was doing still wasn't quite 

Dummy(), not it's real name, doesn't access anything from the gui class. 
It's used as a helper function, and it's called by several methods that 
do access a gui widget. So I suppose, based on what you have said, I 
should us the @staticmethod and leave it at that.



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