[Tutor] Need to discuss about a class that can be used to print number of vowels, consonants, uppercase and lowercase letters and spaces in a string

Manprit Singh manpritsinghece at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 00:13:53 EDT 2021

Dear sir,

I have written below given program using a class that will print number of
vowels, consonants, uppercase and lowercase letters and spaces  in a
string, provided string contains only alphabets and space

class StringStats:
    def __init__(self):
        self.str_seq = None
        self.uppercase = None
        self.lowercase = None
        self.vowel = None
        self.consonants = None
        self.spaces = None

    def set_string(self, seq):
        self.str_seq = seq

    def count_uppercase(self):
        self.uppercase = sum(ch.isupper() for ch in self.str_seq)

    def count_lowercase(self):
        self.lowercase = sum(ch.islower() for ch in self.str_seq)

    def count_vowels(self):
        self.vowel = sum(ch in "AEIOUaeoiu" for ch in self.str_seq)

    def count_consonants(self):
        self.consonants = sum(ch not in "AEIOUaeoiu " for ch in

    def count_space(self):
        self.spaces = self.str_seq.count(" ")

    def compute_stats(self):

    def show_stats(self):
        print("String is-", self.str_seq)
        print("Count of vowels-", self.vowel)
        print("Count of consonants-", self.consonants)
        print("Count of uppercase letters-", self.uppercase)
        print("Count of lowercase letters", self.lowercase)
        print("Count of spaces", self.spaces)

s_seq = "Amar Singh"
st1 = StringStats()

Gives the answer as below :

String is- Amar Singh
Count of vowels- 3
Count of consonants- 6
Count of uppercase letters- 2
Count of lowercase letters 7
Count of spaces 1

Just need your comments on this class against following points :

1) The way i have initialized all instance variables inside __init__(), later

on assigning values to each instance variable in different methods .

2) I have made different methods to set each instance variable, can't all

these instance variables be set in a single method ?

3) Any further improvement in the class


Manprit Singh

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