[Tutor] Copying one text file into another

Alan Gauld learn2program at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 19:12:29 EDT 2021

This sounds like it could be homework so I'll suggest a method but not
show you any code.

If it doesn't work show us ypiur code and we will try to help.

On 03/08/2021 19:55, Ed Connell wrote:
> Suppose you have two text files, A.txt and B.txt.  You want to copy A into
> B at some designated place .Of course there is copy and paste, but I got
> interested in how you could do this with Python. Can you help?

Assume File A:


And file B


So you want to insert B into A after line A2.

open A.txt for reading
open OUT.txt for writing
for each line in A
     write line to OUT.txt.
     if line is A2:
         open B.txt for reading
         for each line in B
             write line to OUT.txt
         close B.txt
close A.txt
close OUT.txt
rename A.txt to A.bak   (or just delete it if you feel brave!)
rename OUT.txt to A.TXT  

Try that in Python.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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