[Tutor] A Multiple Concatenation Problem

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 15:40:31 EDT 2020

On 19/09/2020 19:52, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> Thanks to help I've received from folks on this list I have gotten to a 
> place where I am well land truly stuck.
> In a modeling problem that I have, I have a list of 31 ligands to which 
> I wish to attach a suffix . i.log where I runs from 1 to 10.
> The list begins:
> 2-Phloroeckol
> 7-Phloroeckol plus 29 more names

How do you propose adding 10 suffix names to 31 ligand names?

> The script, so far, is:
> filename = 'Ligand.list'
> file = open(filename,mode='r')
> text = file.read()
> file.close()

You've been informed at least twice that the prefered idiom is to use 
'with open' so that you don't have to explicitly close the file.

> for suf in range(1, 11):
>      filename = f"{text}.{suf}.log"

You don't do anything with filename here so at the end of the loop you 
have effectively done nothing.  Assuming that 'text' is from the 
'Ligand.list' file do you actually want the entire contents of the file 
used to create your 10 log file names?

> The result is:
> a list of the 32 ligands
> a blank line
> .10.log
Where is the code that gives this result?  Your 'text' name will hold 
the 31 :) ligands but I see nothing that will produce a blank line nor 
the '.10.log' bit.

> Eventually in the script I'll get to a point where I use:
> data = np.genfromtxt(fname, skip_header=28)
> Affinity = (data[0, 1])
> Which is exactly what I need to proceed further with the modeling.
> However, until I get the correct output from the first portion of the 
> script I can get no further. I'm sure that I have missed something 
> fundamental, but I can't faind any references to a solution to the 
> problem. Quite frankly, I'm more that a bit embarrassed at this point.

I'm still uncertain what 'correct output' is meant to be.  Until that 
gets answered we're all stuck so please provide a mapping of input data 
to output data.

> Thanks in advance.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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