[Tutor] Comprehensive textbook (not for beginners)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Sep 5 06:24:33 EDT 2020

On 05/09/2020 09:37, Lilia Georgieva wrote:
> I am looking for a good detailed textbook/book/course on Python3  which
> goes beyond the basics and covers object-oriented programming as well as
> data structures and algorithms.

There are a few options depending on what specifically you are after.

My first choice would be "Programming Python" by Mark Lutz
This is a huge book - around 1600 pages that covers many of the
standard library modules and builds several "real world" projects
along the way. It covers areas like GUIS(Tkinter), Networking,
OS features, Databases, text processing etc...

If you want to delve into the deeper aspects of the language(context
managers, decorators, metaprogramming etc) then Professional Python
by Luke Sneeringer may be more appropriate.

Both of these include information about how Python does OOP but
less on how to actually use OOP. ie. What makes it different from
traditional procedural code.

However, for OOP specifically you are better served by some of the
more general OOP books that are not language specific. Timothy Budd
"Intro to OOP" and Grady Booch's "OO Analysis and Design" both
offer good insights into how to use classes effectively even if
not using Python.  If you want the best technical description of
OOP then Bertrand Meyer's book "OO Software Construction" is the
most comprehensive, but is based on his own Eiffel programming

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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