[Tutor] Program help

nathan tech nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 22 18:16:56 EDT 2020

Hi Garrett

This reads rather like a homework assignment! :)

Here are some tips that I hope may help:

think through what you need to do:

1. Load the data.

2. Do something with the data.

3. Display the data in some way.

the first bit is quite easy:





Convert it to numbers:

for x in range(data):


The rest is just some fancy footwork with a for loop like the one above 
and some organisation into variables depending on what you want to do 
with it.

Hope this helps!


On 22/10/2020 18:02, Garrett Phelps wrote:
> Perhaps someone can help me write this code:
> The USPopulation.txt file contains the midyear population of United States,
> in thousands, during the years 1950 through 1990. The first line in the
> file contains the population for 1950, the second line contains the
> population for 1951, and so forth. Create an application that reads the
> file's contents into a list. The application should do the following:
>     - (15 points) Read the file into an list of integers (multiply by 1000)
>     - Iterate through the array and display:
>        - (10 points) Year
>        - Population
>        - (10 points) Change from previous year (subtract current year minus
>        previous year)
>        - (10 points) Percent change in population over last year (change in
>        population divided by previous year population)
>     - When complete, display the following based on the changes in
>     population (not changes in percent):
>        - (10 points) Average Population Change
>        - (10 points) Minimum Population Change and Year
>        - (10 points) Maximum Population Change and Year
> Best Regards,
> Garrett Phelps
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