[Tutor] Valid Username Program

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Fri Oct 9 21:43:41 EDT 2020

On 10/10/2020 06:44, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Oct 2020 12:17:38 +1300, dn via Tutor <tutor at python.org>
> declaimed the following:
>> In 'the ?good, old, days' you would have been asked to draw a flowchart
>> of the decision(s). Such a 'picture' quickly illustrates @Richard's
>> point - neatly covered by
> 	And even not quite the "good, old, days" one would have used
> Nassi-Schneiderman (aka Chapin) charts. N-S charts being more structured
> than flowcharts, and hence fit better with the "structured programming"
> phase of the science.

Assuming that the OP is now satisfied with/by the responses, like @Alan 
I'd like to risk hi-jacking the thread into another/related topic:

My (non-COVID) $day-job, involves training in languages other than Python.

There are major differences (obviously) between "Procedural" and 
"Declarative" languages, but there are also 'overlaps'.

NB A fast-and-loose understanding of "Declarative" is that the code 
'shows' the computer what/where the output should appear, rather than 
"Procedural" saying 'how to do it', eg a DB-query:

     SELECT name, rank, serial_number
         FROM person
         WHERE rank >= "Captain";

will output a table with three columns of data, and as many rows as 
there are people of senior rank appearing in the DB.

This morning I was shown a (children's) book, "Flotsam"* which tells a 
story *entirely* in pictures - the only words are on the title-page, 
etc. The art-work is 'art' rather than 'comic-book' ("graphic novel" to 

Its communication-style fascinated.

I was wondering if I could dream-up ('art' is definitely beyond my 
capacity) a how-to, for a particular tutorial in a declarative-language 
course, entirely presented as pictures, ie cause and effect - or more 
likely: effect, and how-to-cause?

* apologies, didn't note bibliographic details
Regards =dn

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