[Tutor] help for the code debug

Sailormoon sccdzt at foxmail.com
Mon Oct 5 02:28:40 EDT 2020

Dear sir :
When I run The code as below it showed error that SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted; use an 0o prefix for octal integers,The excel data is like this as below screenshot .Is there anyone could help ,thanks a lot. 

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-          #识别中文
import os
import shutil
import xlrd

path_file=r'G:\材料报验\Before 2018.12.22'

ls = os.listdir(path_file)

data = xlrd.open_workbook(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\searching.xls') # 打开xls文件
table = data.sheets()[0] # 打开第一张表
nrows = table.nrows      # 获取表的行数

print(eval(datalist_NAME[1]) )#eval用于去除单引号,[1]指读取第二行元素

for num in range(1,nrows): #num从1到nrows遍历

   for i in ls:
       if i.find(eval(datalist_NAME[num])+"_Boundary_Line")!=-1:
          #shutil.move(path_file+'/'+i,"F:/budyko_ds/"+i)   #直接将文件移动过去
          print( datalist_NAME[num])

print( num)
print ("ALL DONE")


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