[Tutor] Two issues I feel very strongly on

nathan tech nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 17 07:10:30 EST 2020

Dear Sir,

I'm reaching out to you as a concerned constituent regarding two issues 
that I personally feel very much affect us as British citizens at the 
current time considering both the Political Climate and the Climate that 
has resulted from The Virus.

First, regarding my concern of The Virus. while doing rather unrelated 
research today I came across this petition (linked below) asking the 
government for protection for retail workers. My own mother is a 
Supervisor in our local The Range Southend store, so this is an issue 
I'm sure you understand I am very aware of! Due to hours, my mother is 
has shifts twice a week that mean she is not getting home until 9:30 
P.M., or even 10:00 P.M. at night. These facts are anxiety inducing 
enough without the stress on top of that of the potential for violence 
in the stores, or the abuse being hurled at her and other workers for 
policies they quite literally have no control over.

I understand, as well, that not working in an environment can sometimes 
lead to disbelief, I mean how hard can it be to do customer service, 
right? But you yourself Sir likely understand the strain and 
tribulations that come with meeting customer demands on a daily basis 
while also keeping in like with company policy. It would mean a lot to 
me if you would show your support for this petition, or at least show 
your awareness of it.

Petition link: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/328621

The second issue I wanted to reach out to you about is actually relating 
to the research I mentioned that I was doing above to do with our royal 
Navy. In school you are taught that our Royal Navy once ruled the sea. 
Is that not what the song Rule Britannia is all about, after all? As an 
island nation, one might say island superpower, our first and most 
prominent line of defense is our Navy. Our navy is the fleet that will 
protect us if, god forbid, a situation ever arises where relationship 
with a foreign power sour so badly as to be dangerous. Further, the 
Royal Navy protects our interests overseas, both in trade but also in peace.

With Brexit just over the hill, is our royal Navy up to the job?

I've read a lot about the Queen Elizabeth II new aircraft carrier, but 
at the same time I've also read of our fleet size getting smaller, and 
smaller, and smaller. These days you read all the time about foreign 
powers sending battleships into British waters, and it's a scary concept 
for the uninformed!

With Brexit, can we really rely on our friends in the European Union or 
our friends in The United States to cough up military powers if the UK 
becomes under threat?

So I'm reaching out to you sir, what personal assurances can you offer 
on this matter. Is the UK as well defended as it should be, and if not 
what does you and or the Conservatives intends to do about this?

I don't like living with the idea that we can no longer be reassured of 
our freedom, and I'm sure you agree.

I eagerly await your response (or even to see your next appearance on 

All the best,

Nathan smith

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