[Tutor] Testing for mouse clicks

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 19:40:29 EST 2020

On 8/11/20 10:16 am, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> Can you inspect your grid widget to determine its coordinates? Or
> inspect the button for its coordinates? If so, measure, construct a
> mapping of bounds to actions to take. Example:
>      widget_map = {}
>      for my_widget in enumerate-your-widgets-here:
>          x0, dx, y0, dy = my_widget.bounds()
>          widget_map[x0, y0, x0+dx, y0+dy] = my_widget
>      ...
>      # find the widget and call its on_clicked method
>      for (x0, x1, y0, y1), my_widget in widget_map.items():
>          if x0 <= x < x1 and y0 < y <= y1:
>              my_widget.on_clicked(...)
>              break
Thank you Cameron, I would never have thought of using a for_loop with 
multiple variables. I'll experiment with this idea and see what I can 
come up with.



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